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Registering a Company in Turkey

7 min read
Published: 23 Mar 2023

Ready to take control of your future and register a company as an expat? This blog post has all the information you need to get started! Find out why registering a business is such a great decision and learn exactly what you need to do in order to do it successfully. Don't miss out on everything that is registering your own company as an expat has to offer! Discover all of its benefits in this comprehensive blog post that will teach you everything you need to know about taking control of your future today! Read this blog post to find out why it's such a great decision, plus all the steps you'll need to take in order to make it happen. First of all, there are several reasons why someone would want to register a company, including:

  1. Limited liability protection: Registering a company provides limited liability protection to the owners/shareholders, meaning that their personal assets are not at risk if the company incurs debts or faces legal action.

  2. Professional image: Registering a company can give a professional image to the business, as it shows that the business is established and serious about its operations.

  3. Access to funding: Registered companies may have an easier time accessing funding from banks, investors, or other sources, as they are seen as more stable and legitimate than unregistered businesses.

  4. Tax benefits: Depending on the jurisdiction and the type of company structure chosen, tax benefits may be associated with registering a company, such as lower tax rates or deductions for business expenses.

  5. Legal requirements: In some jurisdictions, registering a company to conduct business or comply with certain regulations may be a legal requirement.

Overall, registering a company can provide a range of benefits and protections for business owners, making it a wise choice for many entrepreneurs and businesses.

The question is why anyone would consider establishing a business in Turkey. Read on if you're an entrepreneur or are just curious about the benefits and procedures of registering a company in Turkey. Don’t let the daunting task of registering a company stop you from pursuing your entrepreneurial dreams—we'll take you through the steps of opening your own business in Turkey.

How to Register a Company in Turkey: A Step-by-Step Guide

It is possible to establish a business overseas, but it is a challenging process that calls for careful consideration on your part. Follow along as we detail the simple process of establishing a Turkish company.

General Requirements

Before beginning the registration process, some preliminary steps need to be taken. The first step is to decide whether you want to establish a Limited Liability Company (LLC) or a Joint Stock Company (JSC). You will also need to decide whether your company will be established for public or private use. Additionally, you must choose the type of articles of association that you wish to use for your company (i.e., standard articles or specialized articles). Once all of these decisions have been made, you can move on to the next step.

Step 1: Choose a Name and a Location

The name and location are two of the most important decisions when registering a company in Turkey. The name must not conflict with any existing trademarks and must be approved by the Ministry of Industry and Trade before registering with the Trade Registry Office (TRE). Additionally, your company must be registered in one of the cities listed on TRE’s official website. Once the name and location have been chosen, they should be documented on an official document known as an "Address Form," which must then be notarized by a local notary public.

Step 2: Pre-registration Procedures

Before being able to register with TRE, some pre-registration procedures must take place first. This includes obtaining pre-registration documents from TRE as well as applying for any required permits or licenses from other government authorities, such as tax offices and municipality offices. Additionally, all founding partners must have their identity documents verified by TRE before registration takes place. All of these documents should then be taken to TRE in person or sent via registered mail for review and approval before registration can take place.

Step 3: Registering with TRE

Once all pre-registration procedures have been completed successfully, it is time to register your company with TRE. This involves submitting all required documents (including those mentioned above) and documentation detailing the company’s legal structure, such as its Articles of Association and Shareholders Agreement. Once all documentation has been reviewed and approved by TRE, they will issue an official certificate confirming the registration, which should then be used when opening bank accounts or applying for any licenses or permits from other government authorities, such as tax offices or municipality offices.

Understanding each step well and having all the documents you need before starting the process should make it go faster and smoother than you expected.

Benefits of Establishing a Business in Turkey

Turkey is a country located at the intersection of Europe and Asia with a rich cultural heritage and a booming economy. Registering your company in Turkey can bring many benefits, ranging from favorable economic conditions to strategic geographic positioning. This section of the article will discuss the benefits of registering your company in Turkey and why it is a good idea for entrepreneurs looking to expand their businesses.

One of the best things about setting up your business in Turkey is that you can take advantage of the country's growing economy. Turkey's diversified economy has seen steady growth over the past few years and is projected to continue to grow in the coming years. In fact, according to the World Bank, Turkey's economy is expected to grow by 6% in 2023, which is higher than the global average. By registering your company in Turkey, you can tap into this growth and take advantage of the country's many business opportunities.

Another benefit of registering your company in Turkey is the country's strategic location. Turkey is located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, which makes it an ideal location for businesses that want to expand their reach. Turkey has a well-developed transportation infrastructure, including ports, airports, and highways, making transporting goods to and from the country easy. This strategic location also means that Turkey has access to many emerging markets, which can be beneficial for businesses looking to expand their operations.

In addition to its strategic location, Turkey has a favorable business environment. The country has implemented many business-friendly policies recently, making it easier for entrepreneurs to start and run a business. For example, Turkey has simplified its company registration process, which means that it is easier and quicker to register a company in Turkey than in many other countries. The country has also put in place tax breaks and other measures to attract foreign investment, which can help businesses that want to grow.

What You Need to Know About Taxation for Companies in Turkey

Turkey has a diverse economy with a wide range of industries, making it an attractive destination for businesses looking to expand their operations. However, operating a company in Turkey comes with various tax obligations that can be complicated and confusing.

If you plan to start a company in Turkey, it is important to understand the taxation system and requirements for businesses operating there. Here are some key things you need to know about taxation for companies in Turkey:

  1. Corporate income tax: Companies in Turkey are subject to corporate income tax on their worldwide income at 25%. The tax is based on the company's net income, which is calculated by deducting allowable expenses from its gross income. You must pay the corporate income tax in two equal installments in March and July of each year.

  2. Value-added tax (VAT): VAT is a consumption tax that is levied on the sale of goods and services in Turkey. The standard VAT rate in Turkey is currently 18%, but reduced rates of 1%, 8%, and 5% are applied to certain goods and services.

  3. Withholding tax: Companies in Turkey must withhold taxes from payments made to non-residents for services, royalties, and other income. The withholding tax rates vary depending on the type of income and the recipient's country of residence.

  4. Social security contributions: Employers in Turkey must contribute to the Social Security Institution (SGK) for their employees. The contributions cover health insurance, pension, and other social security benefits.

  5. Tax incentives: Turkey offers various tax incentives to encourage investment and job creation. These incentives include reduced corporate income tax rates, VAT and customs duties exemptions, and tax holidays.

It is important to note that tax laws and regulations in Turkey can be complex and subject to change. When starting and running a business in Turkey, it is best to get professional advice from a tax consultant or accountant.

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