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Turkish Drink: Ayran

3 min read
Published: 03 Mar 2023

Common in Turkey, ayran is a yogurt-based beverage that has been consumed for centuries. It is a light, refreshing drink that is best served cold and goes well with meals or as a snack. Ayran has been around for hundreds of years. It came from the steppes of Central Asia and gained popularity in Turkey over time.

To make ayran, you need to blend together some yogurt, salt, and water until you get a nice, smooth liquid. Even though yogurt made from sheep's milk is traditionally used in this recipe, modern alternatives include yogurt made from cow's milk or a combination of the two.

Ayran has a very subtle flavor, which makes it an ideal accompaniment to many dishes. It goes well with grilled meats like kebabs, lahmacun (Turkish pizza with minced meat on top), and pizza. 

Ayran is also known to have numerous health benefits due to its probiotic content. It helps reduce inflammation in the body and makes digestion easier, making it an excellent choice for people who want to drink something that tastes good and is also good for them. Its high calcium content also helps keep bones healthy and can even help keep osteoporosis from happening in later years.

In Turkey, it is not uncommon for people to drink a glass of ayran before breakfast or lunch to get their digestive systems going before indulging in their meals. The taste of this drink varies from person to person, depending on what type of yogurt you use and how much salt you add, if any at all!

Traditionally, ayran is served cold with a scoop-shaped spoon called chomlek. Turks enjoy drinking ayran with that big scoop-shaped spoon as an essential part of their culture. Ayran is also popular in other countries, such as Bulgaria, Iran, and Armenia. Turks using a big spoon when drinking ayran helps to keep the beverage cool in hot weather and makes it easier to mix the yogurt with the ice-cold water and ice cubes before drinking. The large spoon also helps aerate the drink, making it extra refreshing and flavorful. With its tangy taste and cooling sensation, it's no wonder that Turks choose to drink ayran with the most giant spoons!

If you happen to visit Turkey, make sure to try out some authentic Turkish Ayran! It's incredibly refreshing and thirst-quenching while also giving your body some great nutritional benefits at the same time! You won't regret it!

Ayran has a unique flavor that many Turks have grown up with. The salty taste helps to cut through greasy foods such as kebabs, making it the perfect accompaniment for Turkish cuisine. For an extra kick of flavor, try adding some herbs, such as mint or dill, for a refreshing kick.

Ayran has become increasingly popular outside of Turkey as more people discover this traditional drink from the homeland of kebabs and baklava! Why not give it a try the next time you’re looking for something different to sip on?

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