Turkey offers qualified and various amenities to foreign people besides historical and cultural heritage. In these amenities, some aspects such as education, health, accommodation, nutrition, and work are featured key words in the country.

Before we talk about the quality of life in Turkey, we first clarify what quality and quality of life terms mean basically. Quality can be briefly explained as an effort to reach perfection and beyond. It is an objective fact that can be measured with a number, progress, time, test, etc. by being out of personal senses besides subjective fact either due to being affected by outcomes such as personal value judgments, likes, psychology, emotion, hedonism, preference and more.

On the other hand, the quality of life includes a wider meaning. Researchers from the past to now identify it differently. However, the general clarification for the term is happiness, satiety, and harmony. It is parallelly used the satiety and satisfaction of life and happiness in numerous researches. Yet, the satisfaction of life which is a featured element is more subjective than the other terms. Istanbul –where the city is the most valuable city for the quality of life in Turkey – takes 130th place in life quality index that was made worldwide in 2019 while it is between top ten cities on the list that is made with foreign people living in Turkey by means of the life quality. It indicates that foreign people highly appreciate living in the country, especially people who work here.

According to the research prepared by an independent research company to offer the highest life quality listing, Turkey was selected to 7th on the list for living and working. It is not a surprising thing because amenities that foreign people get have grown up day by day. For living and working, the country is between the top ten countries at representing the best experience to workers worldwide. Turkey passed Germany and Saudi Arabia in the research.

Turkey aims to be one of five countries for living and working worldwide. The following policies on foreign people’s rights show that true methods were used on this purpose in last year. Especially, getting Turkish citizenship by a property investment provides additional satisfaction and attraction up for the country too.

In the research made among nearly twenty thousand people in 163 countries including Turkey, the research contains amenities, life quality, the balance of business and private life, financial income and family life. It is known as the most comprehensive and true results in worldwide.

%62 of Foreign people working in Turkey clarify the country has higher standards than their countries in life satisfaction and quality. %52 of people say that they can find a more suitable time to their hobbies, carriers, and families and %55 of them can afford to a house and car, %69 of them feel safe in Turkey and %60 can create more successful balance in their business and private life when compared to their countries. Besides, %59 points out that they can easily travel more while %57 gets new skills in social and cultural fields.

On the other hand, %72 of people living in Istanbul states that the city has a great number of architectural buildings, monuments, and parks, also historical and cultural texture. Together with it, %63 points out the city is a central location to travel each direction and %59 of them say there is a lively cultural life in the city. %58 mentions that there is an easy Access for both good restaurants and delicious foods. In conclusion, for most of the people who are willing to climb up the carrier steps and also live in high standards, Turkey stands as one of the best options around the world.